i work for a small company, we have a website, the site needs some changes made, we don%26#039;t have anyone skilled in this area, and would like to avoid paying big $$$ for someone to make us feel dumb (er) , ive been asked to see if i can find some sort of program that aids in website alterations, im stumped, so
does anyone know of such a program? and is changing the site all that hard?
i have a basic knowledge of it but by no means am i pro, basically all we need to do is change the layout slightly, add new updated photos and info, any info would be greatly appreciated :)|||Wow, you have been asked to do a LOT!!!
Dreamweaver is the choice for most people doing websites. It%26#039;s an expensive program and a little difficult to learn.
As far as your website, who did it and what level of expertise did they have. Without looking at the site it is hard to tell.
If it was just a student or novice then you could probably do the changes. However, if they did the website with CSS I would definitely stay away from it, because you are just asking for trouble. One change could mess up your entire website layout. And layout with CSS is easy if you know what you are doing but not if you are new to it.
Also keep in mind that websites need to be checked in FireFox all versions, IE 6, 7, 8, Chrome, Safari and Opera. Browser statistics can be found here:
Then you also need to deal with display resolution which current statistics can be found here:
My opinion is to have a junior or senior in college that knows what they are doing work on the site. One that is studying website design. They typically won%26#039;t charge you what the companies do.|||Well lets hope your nickname was not well chosen because otherwise it will be a disaster :P just kidding.
Ok, so i use Dreamweaver to tamper with anything that has to do with websites. You can try this but it is hard to get some work made by other people and start modding right away. There are many things in web programing that you need to consider and one of them is %26quot;does this work in all most common browsers?%26quot;. Typically it wont work with IE unless it%26#039;s made in ASPX which in that case wont work in any other than IE. Ofc, both are solvable, but it%26#039;s just a pain.
Try using the software and see how it goes. If it looks good and you think it is a good change to be uploaded to the server great :) otherwise i would rather have some pro do it for you. Remember, the website today is very important for a company and if i see a company with a crappy webby i will not take it as serious.|||ok this is not a easy question to answer..
Firstly is it a static web site, eg do the file end in html or htm, or are they dynamic as in do they end in .aspx, .php .asp. etc
FYI aspx page can be read by any browser...
If they are static you can use any WYSIWYG web editor. Like Dreamweaver or MS Expression Web. If they are dynamic I need to ask a few more questions. Let me know if you want I might beable to answer then for you
Now the image updating etc, you will need some photo manipulation software and the skill to use it..
This task could be really big or really simple it really depends on a few factors.