Friday, 7 October 2011

Is there a progaram that out there that let me schdule what picture appear on my website without me changing t

is there a progaram that out there that let me schdule what picture appear on my website without me changing them every day and that i can add pic not a albumIs there a progaram that out there that let me schdule what picture appear on my website without me changing tThis is the kind of thing you can use javascript for.

Here is an example:



%26lt;SCRIPT LANGUAGE=%26quot;JavaScript%26quot;%26gt;

function replaceImage(){

myDate = new Date();

dayOfWeek = myDate.getDay();

if(dayOfWeek == 1)


document['dynamicImage'].src = %26quot;image1.jpg%26quot;;


else(dayOfWeek == 2)


document['dynamicImage'].src = %26quot;image2.jpg%26quot;;




document['dynamicImage'].src = %26quot;defaultImage.jpg%26quot;;





%26lt;body onload=%26quot;replaceImage()%26quot;%26gt;

%26lt;img name=%26quot;dynamicImage%26quot; src=%26quot;%26quot;/%26gt;



When the page loads, it will replace the image named %26quot;dynamicImage%26quot; with an image based upon what day of the week it is. You can change that function to be day of the month, or whatever other criteria you wish to use.

Good luck!