I have made a website for my new company and need to personalize my %26quot;free%26quot; template. I have everything done but one image is a %26quot;Company name%26quot; image and can not easily be changed. Does anyone one know what i can do?The website is www.officeworldusa.com/
What can i do it is the top left corner. Thank you!Change website logo to customize it?You need to go to your images directory and replace the image toplogo.jpg with a new one with your logo in it.
%26quot;Company Name%26quot; text can be changed in Photoshop or Fireworks. I've made it for you. You can grab it following this link http://www.flickr.com/photos/19949030@N0鈥?/a>Change website logo to customize it?I used photoshop to fix ine in the past