Saturday, 24 September 2011

Website getting blocked at work by websense?

At work my personal website was accessible, no problem. Now, all of a sudden it's coming up as blocked as %26quot;personal storage.%26quot; What would have identified it as such? Is it something I have content wise on the site? Any way I can change the website settings or content so websense doesn't think it's personal storage? I don't want to use another site to view it b/c then I'm violating my company's policy.Website getting blocked at work by websense?Find the person in charge of the websense settings/administration and plead your case to them.

They may be able to tweak the settings to allow your site to come though.
Website getting blocked at work by websense?
Websense filters are set broad. If you believe your personal website is ok with your employer I would contact the System Administrator and have him enter an exception. Other than that you will have to live with it, since they have you going through a proxy server to access the internet. Only you Administrator will have privileges modify to the system.
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