Wednesday 21 September 2011

How Can I Change My Website From A Http Site Into A https Site?

I have an online business and for this reason I would prefer to have a https site as opposed to a http site.....How Can I Change My Website From A Http Site Into A https Site?Firstly, you need to generate a certificate signing request, and give this to a certificate authority. They will issue with an SSL certificate, which you can give to your web hosting company. They will then install it, and enable the HTTPS service.

Of course if you run your own webserver then you can just do it all yourself :)

Edit: Epic Penguin is wrong; anyone can apply for a certificate if they're willing to pay for it.
How Can I Change My Website From A Http Site Into A https Site?
... I have an extreme feeling that you are running a scam.

It has to be an actual safe site to have https in the URL.